Teacher and Staff Wishlists


*This list will be updated as wishlists become available! Keep checking back!

Let's get Glenhope Teachers and Staff stocked up and ready to start a new school year!



Teachers & STAFF


Ms. MacMahon

Ms. Stuckeman

Ms. Williky


First Grade

Ms. Potter

Ms. Cummings

Ms. Robertson

Ms. Miller

Second Grade

Ms. Bell

Ms. Blackwell

Mrs. Cohen

Mrs. Sifford

Ms. Herrera


Third Grade

Mr. Hendrickson
Mrs. Ulrich
Ms. Walker
Mr. Suarez
Ms. Mitten 

Fourth Grade 

Ms. Spence
Ms. Ballard
Mr. Parthemore
Ms. Ballard
Ms. Amy
Ms. Castro
Ms. Kelly


Fifth Grade 

Ms. Hayes

Ms. Weinstein
Ms. Robertson
Mr. Wahpekeche
Ms. Carter


GT Lead: Ms. Griffard
MusicMs. Cloud 
Art: Ms. Towery
Library: Ms. Jaffray
P.E.: Coach Maupin & Coach Sweatt
Speech Therapy: Ms. Wood
Diagnostician: Ms. Colbert
LSSP: Ms. Aguirre
Literacy Specialist: Ms. McNamara
Math Specialist: Ms. Gilby
Special Education
Ms. Fennelly
Ms. Parrish
Ms. Kranzer
Ms. Howard
Ms. Wetmore



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